
Median Household Income

Median Household Income is define as income in the Past 12 Months – Income of Households: This includes the income of the householder and all other individuals 15 years old and over in the household, whether related to the householder or not. The median divides the income distribution into two equal parts: one-half of the cases falling below the median income and one-half above the median. For households and families, the median income is based on the distribution of the total number of households and families including those with no income. The median income for individuals is based on individuals 15 years old and over with income. Median income for households, families, and individuals is computed on the basis of a standard distribution.

Household Income Comparison Chart

The table below compares Norwalk’s median household income to the state’s five largest cities, Norwalk’s Demographic Reference Group (DRG) used for ECS school funding and neighboring suburban towns.

City/TownComparison ReferenceMedian HH Income
AnsoniaECS DRG$45,563
BridgeportTop 5 Largest City$44,841
DanburyECS DRG/Neighboring Town$68,068
DarienNeighboring Town$208,848
DerbyECS DRG$57,432
E. HartfordECS DRG$52,049
FairfieldNeighboring Town$127,746
HartfordTop 5 Largest City $33,841
New CanaanNeighboring Town$174,667
New HavenTop 5 Largest City$39,191
NorwichECS DRG$53,682
StamfordECS DRG/Neighboring Town$84,893
WaterburyTop 5 Largest City $40,879
WestportNeighboring Town$181,360
WestonNeighboring Town$219,868
WiltonNeighboring Town $180,313
Fairfield County$89,773

City of Norwalk Employee Salaries

In round numbers, Norwalk has approximately +/- 3500 full time, part-time, temporary and contract employees on the payroll. Individual salaries range from the highest earner – the school district superintendent @ $284,126.00 to a part time election poll worker @ $30.00 in 2019. City payroll breaks down roughly as follows:

  • 33% employees earning more than the median household salary
  • 33% employees earning between $80-$20K
  • 33% employees working part time and earning $20K or below

Below is the complete list of Norwalk’s employee salaries.